These bags offer a much higher resistance to contamination and have a longer holding time than Tedlar bags. They are also accepted bag material for all standards. PTFE Sample bags are extremely resistant to contamination and therefore can be easily cleaned and reused. PTFE sample bags are already approved by the Ministry of Environment in Ontario and almost every other jurisdiction around the world.
SCENTROID PTFE bags are made of pure PTFE film.
The Scentroid lightweight Nylon and PTFE fittings are easy to use and prevent damage to the bag from repeated opera on.

Scentroid stainless-steel bag is made of electro polished marine grade (400 series) stainless steel film. Stainless steel sampling bags are ideal for sampling corrosive materials such as high H2S or benzene. The stainless steel is rolled into a thin film that provides it with flexibility while maintaining the 100% sample preservation. scentroid stainless Steel bags are used commonly instead of Sumo canisters.
SCENTROID Stainless Steel bags made of pure 400 series stainless steel film and welded at the seams. The Scentroid stainless steel fittings are easy to use and provide a durable and ultra-clean solution for sampling with the stainless-steel bag.
Tedlar bags provide a reusable storage medium.
Scentroid Tedlar bags are made of 2 mill thick film and purged at 100 °C using scentroid’s patented heat/vacuum Purger for ultimate purity.SCENTROID Tedlar bags are made with Dupont Tedlar film.
The Scentroid lightweight Nylon and PTFE fittings are easy to use and prevent damage to the bag from repeated operation.

Nalophan is an inexpensive material used for making disposable sample bags.
Nalophan has the shortest holding time for most compounds such as H2S, Ammonia and VOCs.
SCENTROID Nalophan bags made of classic Nalophan film are an affordable solution for air sampling. Nalophan bags are commonly used in Europe and parts of North America due to their relatively good holding time and affordable pricing. The bags are easy to use and are thrown out after one use, eliminating the need for purging and reuse.