DV3000 Real-Time Air Monitoring
An Application Introduced in EPA Method
Description: The DV3000 is a new approach developed by Duvas Technologies for multi species gas analysis in fixed and mobile applications, producing rapid real time readouts coupled with the geographic mapping of gas concentrations. It is capable of measuring a large range of gases which are visible in the UV spectrum using ultraviolet spectroscopy.
Dimensions: 840 x 290 x 280 mm
Weight: 25 Kg without batteries, 32 Kg with batteries
Function: Gas detector/analyzer with parts per billion lower detection limit. BTEX or air quality gases
Optical system: Multi-pass UV optical spectrometer
Construction: High density polyurethane molded case. Stainless steel and aluminum gas cell. HEPA Filters in gas inlet and outlet
Optical performance: Low light warning if source output falls
Response time: Shortest response time 1 second. Unit can be set for greater response time to optimize detection sensitivity
Communications: Data output via RS232 cable, Eithernet, or Bluetooth. USB data storage
Power supply options: 24V DC at 4A. 96W maximum. High performance Lithium battery packs option. Unit automatically disconnects battery when external power is connected
Functional testing: Zeroing via clean air or nitrogen cylinder. Flow adaptor for gas verification
Ambient air temperature: 0° C to 40° C non condensing
Unit operating temperature: 10° C to 30° C
Battery and lamp life: Up to 6 hours of battery life. Minimum 2000 hour lamp lifetime
Standards: Certified to IEC61010-1 & against ISO standards
Ingress protection: IP65 on request
RF radiation: Tested to EN55022 class
Detectable gases: Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, M-Xylene, O-Xylene, P-Xylene, Ozone, Nitric Oxide, Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Styrene, Ammonia, Formaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene
DV3000 Brochure
Updated: 04/17/2018
File size: 1 MB
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